Feeling Bored? Discover and Play this Hidden Instagram Game

Hey there! You might be surprised to learn that your DMs are hiding a fun little secret emoji-based game within Instagram. It’s simple, but a lot of fun. You swat at the emoji with your finger as you maneuver a paddle along the bottom of your screen to keep the emoji bouncing. Once you miss an emoji and it drops, then it’s over. Think of those old-school games like Breakout or Pong.
How to Play the Instagram Game?
1. Open a DM chat on Instagram.
2. Send a single emoji.
3. Click on the emoji you sent.

4. After that, you’ll see a yellow screen with your paddle and your emoji.

5. Keep the emoji bouncing with your trusty paddle in the game.
Watch out! The emoji gets boxed in faster as you continue playing, and the backdrop becomes darker, making it more challenging.
Although you can select an emoji of your choice, only one specific emoji activates the game. And even better, your top score will be saved for a lifetime—if you ever choose to come back and try to beat it. No matter which emoji is used or which chat you are in, your high score remains constant. And the best part? You can even activate the game by clicking on an emoji somebody else has sent to you in a DM.
And while you’re having a great time playing, your chat partner will have no idea what’s going on in your world of gaming. Perhaps share the fun and let them in on the secret when sending those single emojis.
Excited to be playing this on iOS and Android? Unfortunately, not everyone has access yet. Only some lucky Instagram users have it, while others are still waiting.