Woman Who ‘Died’ for 11 Minutes and Came Back to Life Reveals Extraordinary Journey to the Afterlife

Charlotte, a 72-year-old woman from Wichita, Kansas, had been dealing with health issues for some time, but nothing could have prepared her for the terrifying spike in blood pressure that followed that day — 234/134, a number so high that doctors warned she might be having another stroke or even a heart attack.
Her husband, Danny, could only watch as doctors rushed to stabilize her. “I thought, ‘Am I even going to bring her home?’” he recounted on The 700 Club, a television show that shares stories of faith and miracles. As doctors worked to revive Charlotte, Danny noticed something eerie: She was speaking about seeing flowers — yet there were none in the hospital room.
It was in that moment Danny realized something profound was happening. His wife was no longer there in that hospital room — at least, not in spirit.
For 11 long minutes, Charlotte was clinically dead. But while her heart had stopped, her consciousness had not. Charlotte remembers being outside of her body, looking down as doctors and nurses worked frantically to bring her back. And while they toiled in a busy, sterile hospital room, she was somewhere else entirely.
“I could smell the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever smelled, and then I heard music,” she said. “When I opened my eyes, I knew where I was. I was in heaven.”
Describing heaven, Charlotte’s eyes lit up, recounting it as a place beyond anything she could have imagined. “It’s so above what we can even imagine, a million times more beautiful.” She spoke of a place where everything swayed in harmony with the music she could hear.
With a hint of awe, Charlotte explained that she wasn’t alone. Angels, radiant and kind, led her deeper into the afterlife. “There’s no fear. It’s like pure joy when the angels take over,” she said. And then, in one of the most emotional parts of her journey, she saw familiar faces — her mom, dad, and sister, standing there with other relatives who had passed away.
“They didn’t look old or sick. They looked like they were in their 30s,” Charlotte recalled. “I knew them. They looked wonderful.”

But one encounter took Charlotte by surprise. She saw a toddler — a child she didn’t recognize. “Who is this?” she asked herself. And then came the most emotional revelation of all. It was her child.
Charlotte had lost a baby when she was five-and-a-half months pregnant. Now, she was face to face with the son she never had a chance to raise. “They continue to grow in heaven,” Charlotte explained, still processing what had happened. “But there’s no time there; it’s eternity.”
For any parent who has ever experienced the loss of a child, Charlotte’s story brings hope and healing. It was a testament to her belief that love and family connections transcend even death.
But not all of Charlotte’s journey was bathed in light and music. After experiencing the peace of heaven, Charlotte was shown something far more disturbing — hell. “God took me to hell,” she revealed. “I looked down, and the smell… the rotten flesh… and the screams.”
For Charlotte, the contrast between the overwhelming beauty of heaven and the horrific sights of hell was “almost unbearable.” She described hell as a place no one would want to end up, a vivid warning for those who might need to “change their ways.”
“And He said, ‘I show you this to tell you: If some of them do not change, this is where they shall reside.’”
As doctors fought to bring Charlotte back to life, her soul felt the pull of her earthly body. “I felt myself being drawn back,” she said, describing how Danny noticed her eye twitch. After 11 minutes of being clinically dead, Charlotte returned.
But not without pain. “I felt the sorrow, I felt the pain again,” she said. A far cry from the peace of heaven, the earthly pain hit hard.
Nevertheless, Charlotte’s recovery was nothing short of remarkable. She was released from the hospital after two weeks and went on to share her incredible story with others. For Charlotte, her experience had given her a clear mission: to spread hope and assurance that there is life beyond this world.
“People need hope,” Charlotte said. “They want to know that there really is something out there, that everything’s okay. Heaven is more than you can imagine. I can look you in the eye and tell you for sure, heaven is real.”

Charlotte’s life after the experience became one of sharing her message with those in search of answers, comfort, or belief in the afterlife. Her story resonated deeply with those who had lost loved ones, especially children.
Tragically, Charlotte passed away on November 28, 2023, at the age of 72 following a heart attack. She is survived by her husband of 52 years, Danny, their daughter Chrystal, and grandchildren. But her message lives on: a vivid account of a journey few can imagine, shared to give others faith in something more.
For those who believe in life beyond death, Charlotte Holmes is now a witness to that hope. She assures us that heaven is not just a distant dream — it’s real, and it’s waiting.